Seated Sciatica Stretching Workout For Seniors | Beginner Level |12Min

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Senior Fitness Podcast With Meredith


In this exercise video Meredith is guiding you through some easy to follow seated stretches to help with sciatica pain.

These stretches are all done seated in a sturdy chair so make sure you have one ready and available. These are all beginner level movements that you can do in the comfort of your own home and will help with relief from sciatica pain throughout the lower back and back of the legs.

Make sure you preview this video first so you know what movements to expect and only do movements that feel comfortable for you and that don’t cause any outstanding pain or discomfort.

Remember to always keep your water close by for water breaks and hydration, have a great stretch!

Team Meredith


Yvonne Ramsook says:

Thanks for these exercise. The best

Chris and Kris Holiday says:

I just started stretching this morning after being unable to walk because of sciatica. I'm so grateful for your exercises! thank you so much

1beachwalker says:

Absolutely loved this! You have such a calming voice and your stretching videos have helped me get through some stressful times lately! Thank you so much! 🤩👏

Steve Sweatman says:

These exercise have been a huge benefit for me, thank you and best wishes from the UK.

Andrew Gui Liang Heng says:

Thanks for sharing health care habits, God bless you and your family 🙏⛪😊

Bonnie Zimmer says:

How many times can I do this throughout the day?

Millie Dappollone says:

Meredith, love your stretching exercises! Hopefully, doing these regularly will help me become as flexible as you!😊 Thank you,

LeDéadra Sullivan Long says:

I can not sit in a chair that hard, or sit on the edge of any chair. Are you sure you have Sciatica Pain?

Diane Sawatzky says:

Thanks, I was able to do most of this! Will be back to keep up! Sciatica sufferer!!!

David Townsend says:

Perfect routine I do these daily

Susan I. Cahill says:

All of these made a lot of sense. Thank you. I’m feeling a bit better

MaguiMaggy Mor says:

I have not very often sciatica problems thank you

SimplyMe says:

I am not a senior but being totally honest with my out-of-shape-self, I need a slower starting point. Thanks for the content.

Donna Arsenault says:

Hi I have had two failed surgeries for sciatic, they think it’s pinched. They also fused my L4-L5. That was done 3-4 years ago, I have had spinals injections that didn’t help. But I found Chinese acupuncture helps me so much. I always exercised all my adult life and was a daily walker. I’m trying to give you a little history off me. Do you think that these exercises would help me. I can’t stretch very far, but if I was to do these maybe twice or 3 times a week. Do you think my body wouldn’t loosen up some, that I wouldn’t be so tight all the time? I really look for your reply. Thanks

Emilee Martin says:

senior fitness? I'm in my 20s and need this lol

Heidi Joy says:

I just don't know Meredith, don't you think a bit more direction is needed, perhaps in first stretch in the video e.g., warning us not to round our backs? I stopped watching at that point. I am looking for a safe video for my 88 yo client.

Monica S says:

I don't like to consider myself a "senior", but these exercises really helped me out this morning after an awful night of sciatica pain from my degenerative discs

Buya says:

Thanks. Can't lie on my back. This is a perfect workout to help my sciatica

Linda J. Brooks says:

This is still by far my favorite exercise video. I do it at least 3x a week before I run/walk on my treadmill. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

Karen Larson says:

1 weejk of Seated Sciatica Stretching Workout and no need for any muscle relaxants. Pain is almost gone!

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