Zumba Gold For Older Adults and Beginners!

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Find your space and join Declan for a fun 15-minute Zumba Gold dance session.

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Disclaimer: This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for guidance and educational purposes only.

You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health or the suitability of this/or any of the workouts on this channel, you should always consult with your doctor or other healthcare professionals.


Nanette Campbell says:

Most fun work out in a long time! Loved it

Catherine McMahon says:

awesome workout, just the right amount of easy to follow moves, I'm coming from an aquatic background. thank you

Norma Keenan says:

Been out of action for a while. Loved this class. thank you 🙏🏻

Krishna's Kadai Indian Recipes says:

From today I have started zumba classes
I am 63 yrs…I am happy to join your class. I am feeling active….Daily I am joining ur dance class in the evening ….Thank u so much for teaching dance

Maven Owens says:

Hello Declan! I have MS and RA 🤦 I just started yoga classes and was looking for easy Zumba dance classes to do between my once a week yoga. Love your videos, they are easy to follow and I don't fall over (which happens ALOT) or get completely out of breath. Thank you!!

Barbara Pocock says:

I love this guy, its a happy session & makes me smile. Thank you for making my exercise such fun.

jules baber says:

just started going to zumba so wanted workouts i can do between classes. Love this workout and think I've found a way of exercising that doesn't bore me. Love the 15 minute workouts more please 🙂

Ламара Пасадская says:

Ооооо) привет из Москвы! То что, мне нужно! 👏👍💯💃💃💃

Denise Newfield says:

so nice, thanks!

Nhan Vu says:

Thanks a lot. This is very good for seniors.

LeBreab says:

I wish I could “like” this video every time I watch and follow it 🥰 Thanks do much , Declan 😘❤️

Brenda Brown says:

Two knee replacements and years of not being able to walk. I had to slow down a few times, but enjoyed the moves and music. More of these videos, plus a cool down please.

Sophie Hartshorne-Ewer says:

I used to do Zumba at home but I have got out of the habit and I’m finding myself really lacking energy so this was the perfect video to introduce me back into the world of Zumba. Thank you. I will continue with more of your videos.

marilyn hartley says:

I am 76, body very stiff due to lack of movement so enjoyed this, my pace, and like the 15 min. segment. Keep up the good work.

Barb Alexander says:

From your accent, I wonder if you are in the UK. In any case, I did my first Zumba gold class with you and had so much fun! I will look for more videos from you.

Suz Rue says:

Liked your video very much. Liked that you did a move a number of times so I could catch on before the next one

D Thomas says:

Thank you so much for this wonderful video. I was quite the dancer in my youth but as I aged….life got in the way of dancing and now at 77 I'm a klutz. Want to start dancing again and hope I get enough stamina and strenght to start riding my horse again this spring. I'm going to be using this video to learn but please, please keep new ones coming

Barbara Carroll says:

Really enjoyed first time doing Zumba thankyou

Celadon Debbie says:

Very nice pace for a beginner which is me

Mysti M. says:

Found you randomly and loved your smile and exuberance. It made it fun and easy. Will definitely do more of your workouts!!

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