The Best Exercises for Bicep Tendinitis

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0:00 Intro
1:16 Side Plank with Shoulder External Rotation
2:37 Shoulder Y’s Swissball
4:16 Floor Serratus Slide Foam Roll
5:21 Quadruped Thoracic Rotation
6:34 Supine Pec Stretch Foam Roll

Bicep tendinitis got ya down this summer? Take a peek at these exercises and see if they can help you say goodbye to biceps pain! This video focuses on strengthening of the scapular muscles, strengthening of muscles that assist with overhead flexion, chest mobility, and thoracic rotation to get that bicep tendon and shoulder feeling good!

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Erica Christopher says:

What about distal biceps tendonitis?

Nige NZ says:

this is great thanks, I have been dealing a bad shoulder/biceps for years, I thought it was my shoulder causing my bicep issues, I can get to about 8 press ups with no pain and then I just have no strength at all to push through further reps, cant turn my hand up behind my back and incredibly sore front, back and biceps if doing massage release on them. I am a tennis player, going to do all of these, looks great thanks for sharing

dean beddoe says:

Can you do these with inflamed bicep tendon

M S says:

What if bicep tendon is snapping/ clicking? Is it normal ? Also I have front shoulder acute pain while doing Tricep overhead extension and also in other overhead activity.
Your video's are very informative & helpful! Thanks

Tarzan Mike says:

Very timely video. I recently had shoulder that just appeared for no reason. I was concerned that it was a rotator cuff tear. Saw a PT and I was surprised that he went straight to this diagnosis.

A P says:

Are there any discount codes for programs?

M Wilson says:

Great videos guys keep up the good work, any chance of doing some vids on calf strengthening/mobility for compartment syndrome/shin splints or even on the posterior chain itself. Thanks

OUT-doorNation says:

Do you have any videos on bulge disc in the neck

ZET says:

The main take from this video is that to prevent lower arm-related tendonitis be it bicep or tricep, we always need to take care of our shoulders? All of these exercises are somewhat related to mitigating upper cross syndrome? Correct me if i am wrong. Thanks

Ashem leibakngambamoirangcha. says:

Isn't the first excercise for shoulder as well?

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