Senior Gold Dance Fitness Aerobics is a low impact exercise working out to Motown, Doo Wop and more!

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Senior Gold Dance Fitness Aerobics is a low impact exercise for active adults, baby boomers, seniors and anyone else who loves to dance their way to health. The music this workout are from back in the day, motown, doo wop, rock and more. The dance exercise moves are fun, safe and effective to burn fat, calories and help manage your weight. The dance moves includes, grapevines, jerk, step touches and more. You will have so much fun that you will forget that you are exercising. So let your hair down and let’s get moving. You are never too old to exercise.
It is recommended that you should exercise at least 20 minutes a day. It also recommended that you do at least 1 day of strength training but 2 days with a 48 hour rest in between would be better. Exercising regularly will help you obtain the status of being fit. What is meant by the state of being fit? The ability to do everyday chores without any struggle. Plus by doing this on a regular basis your mental health will become sharper and you will be able to manage stress and your emotions better. This is the state of wellness of the body soul and mind. You can visit my web site for my health and fitness tips.


Sherri Mitchell says:

Calories burnedwhen you can do the whole video?

Pádraigín O'Hare says:

Love your workouts
I’m a Zumba Coach with an invisible disability. We can all work it.

Esmeralda Cano says:

Can this be purchased on CD ? My sister in Texas loves it she's 88 yrs old

Brenda Brown says:

Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Great for just starting a journey to getting in better shape, thank you.

Simone Bordelon says:

Thanks great workout 💪

Deborah Denney says:

Paul Eugene you do the best work out videos. My daughter recommended you to me. I checked out a few other work out videos before I found yours and yours is the best. Besides fun and easy, you do a warm up and gradually work into it. The others just went straight to the work out. And weren't my version of low impact looked closer to med and high. Today was my first day. I got 6 min done. Have to build myself up. Its a start. Ty for making it easy but is definitely a work out. My boyfriend did it with me and hes semi athletic and he said he could feel it as we were working out with you. Thank you sir and God Bless you you are now part of my daily routine.

dz a says:

Thank you Mr Paul Eugene! I enjoyed that!

Maureen Kearns says:

I am 78 and go to advanced Silver sneakers classes But I am adding your videos to my repertoire. I absolutely love your energy and the music particularly in this one. It’s so good to see a guy leading Anaerobics class for active seniors. And senior to want to stay active. Sending this video onto a few friends so they can subscribe also. Thank you thank you

Inga Green says:

Fun workout!!!

Joan Ford says:

Paul Eugene, you are too cool. I'm 70+ Australian. Love the dance moves as a work out. I usually do 10 minutes but I had to do 15 minutes dance with you.

Tessa Tandler says:

I did this about a year ago. And now I did irt again.. it's such fun and a great workout

Jessica Audain says:

Awesome!!!! I love this!!

Elouise Scott says:

Great dances

Vivian Harris says:

Am so happy I found this Video…am having a blast…I have done others but this one is the one…lots of fun since I love to dance…thank you so much

Lynne Suzanski says:

Thank you Paul.

Janice Jones says:

Thank you Paul

Lois Vermilya says:

I love these work-outs! I am healing from a bad ankle break and these are just the rhythm and blues of my era that keeps me dancing! Thank you!

Mel says:

I just found you and love it. Thank you

Linda Boroski says:

Paul Eugene, in any given day I talk to my cat and my cat alone. You seem aware that seniors are often lonely. You continued to talk to me, asking how I was doing and coaching me through the moves. Your passion for soul and spirit permeated me. Oh yeah, I enjoyed the workout, but you are about so, so much more. Thank you!

Madelyn Kolich says:

I LOVE YOU PAUL!! I am 64, and a former aerobics instructor. It is 9 degrees in KC, so it is too cold to walk or ride my bike. I needed cardio exercise I could do at home due to Covid. You are so lively and fun, I forgot I was exercising. I giggled when you made the Temptations reference. That's what I call it too! God bless you!

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