Relieve sciatica with one simple stretch

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Do you get sciatica??

Try this stretch. I’ve also included an extra tip if you find the initial stretch isn’t working. Let us know how it goes and if you find this useful share it with your friends 🙂

These sort of exercises are what we cover in our Clinical Pilates classes. We can develop a tailored program to address your injuries and specific injuries.

For more info follow this link:

Better Exercise Physiology – Lilydale and Healesville


Sue Meehan says:

Thank you! I’ve tried this for a week and can’t believe the difference in my pain.

Knowledge77 says:

This is bad advise. Just sitting like that will worsen sciatica for months

Captain Kirk says:

Great I’m going to try it. Mine started in an instant with a sharp pain down my left leg. 2 months later still in pain, sometimes in my back other times my left leg and foot. The first few steps after getting out of my van is hell.

GinjaNinja says:

Simple and straightforward…thanx so very much…

Danny Gawley says:

Thanks.that has helped

Robert B says:

I had a stroke affecting the right side of my body, and piriformis syndrome on the left side . This is the only exercise that improved both sides for two totally different reasons.

Jagannath Shinde says:

This type of motion of tennis ball stimulates acupressure point GB30, which is mostly used in scietica.

Surendranath Chetia says:

Thanks for the information bro.,I am suffering from it. I will try it.

Shane Lane says:

Great stretch. Thank you

Carol Does the pain become a little more painful at the beginning of the excersice? Eyo says:

Does the pain increase on the first two days of the excersice?

Jame Andy says:

I have continuous lower back pain. With my try to acquire a solution for my concern, Personally I have tried several recommendations however to no avail, no one have been able to aid. Nevertheless, employing this particular back problems guide book, Kenzano Ayb (Go ogle it), was able to take care of my back tightness significantly. It is extremely comfy. I strongly recommend this guidebook.

Jacqueline Lombard says:

Very effective and easy to practice anywhere 👏👏👏

miazagora says:

Lacrosse balls work wonderfully.

Geek Crossing says:

Excellent. Thank you. And thank you for not making us sit through a 48 minutes video, promising a magical stretch, only to try to sell us something, like Emily Lark does.

Tongkie AL says:

Thanks mate! This is what i am looking for straight forward – no nonsense!

Grace Extended with Taureenia Travanna says:

Definitely forgot about this stretch


You don’t know what you’re talking about. With such a terrible pain I’m not able to lift my leg on top of another. When you are healthy you can do that but don’t show people with excruciating pain to do exercises like that. You would have to experience that pain to see what you can do.

Debora Smith says:

I have looked for a back problems treatment for few months and this back pain guideline, Kenzano Ayb (Go ogle it) matches me perfectly. I could now rest with out feeling that pain at my back. I am astonished by the effectiveness of this particular guideline. This is what I had been looking for.

Tony472 says:

Any thing you can do while standing?

Russell Williams says:

My old stomping ground, thank you for your information.

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