How To Fix Patellar Tendonitis, No More Pain & Self Treatment

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How To Fix Patellar Tendonitis, No More Pain & Self Treatment

Bob & Brad demonstrate different techniques you can do at home to fix patellar tendonitis.

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4) X6 Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head:
5) T2 Massage Gun:

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1) Renpho massage gun with an adjustable head:
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2) RENPHO Rechargeable Hand Held Deep Tissue Massager:
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We are giving away a Renpho massage gun with an adjustable head!!!

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If interested in owning a Renpho massage gun, don’t hesitate to grab one at the discount while it’s available! If you win the giveaway, Renpho will reimburse you!

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virtuous black queen says:

Where are you all located?

Alex Warski says:


OceanLoverTV says:

What if the super pain is right under the center of the kneecap

Sam G says:

24, i went from running 0 miles a day to 4 miles a day in 1 week. The 2nd week i hurt my left leg and had no idea what i did. I figured taking it slow walking 5 miles instead of running each day would help. Nope, it continued for well over a week, some days feeling a little better but not good enough to run again. I decided to stop doing cardio until it got better. I Just the massage alone relieved pain almost instantly, cooling, elevation and massaging are the only things helping my knee now. Thank you so much for this video.

making the move by darren says:

bullshit video

Move with Pam says:

what if the pain is just to the outside of this area? Just at the top, very tender to touch.

Chef Tibbs says:

This video sucks

MrYosBoss says:

@Bob & Brad, the massage should be done while contracting or relaxing the patellar muscle ?

Aastrong says:

I got kicked in kick boxing sparring right in that spot and it felt very painful, i dont know if i have that osgood slatter thing but i do have the pain in that bump like bob mentioned, i dont know why i only have this in this leg because when i get kicked in the spot in my other leg i dont get that excruciating pain. Is there any bandage or wrapping that you guys think would help me during my sparring ? Also would love a video about osgood slatter too! Appreciate your videos guys they help tons tgank you !!!


The massage really does work! Thank you 🙏🏽

Kaxi Ma says:

What about going back to ice skating?

Atangdi Naga says:

I'm 16 and it's not curing it's been 2 years now

Mickey Daniel says:

You are amazing ❤️ saving my life

luvhurtsme2010 says:

My knee the dr saying tendons n doesn't seems getting better wat else to do

Lynny says:

I am feeling numbness just under the skin over the patella tendon. It started 2 weeks after I broke my ankle. That was 3 months ago. But that small place just under the knee is still numb. What can I do for that? I am doing physical therapy for the ankle since removing the cast and no one there seems to think it is a big deal and that it will get better over time.

The health key Zhao says:

Shaun Winter says:

I took about 3 full months off (running), lost a lot of fitness and the patella tendinitis didn’t get any better. So I started on the treadmill easier pace, (mainly to get my fitness back) it’s starting slowly to get better. But I have a tight right calf constantly, if I massage the tendon attachment at the back off the knee. That always relieves a bit of the knee pain. My knee is slightly bent at rest compared to the good side. Is this tight hamstrings/weak quads also??

Darth Nihilus says:

I’m a competitive rock climber and my elbows have been hurting for the past couple of months. I think it might be tendinitis. I also have a very long wingspan, so my coaches say the because of this, my naturally elbows stay really far out which may put more stress on my elbows. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this besides resting for a while?

fittrainerforlife says:

How old is this video? Why does this not show the date aired?

af 17 says:

Im a soccer player and I've had this issue a little over a year and I really want to get this fixed.. I've done rest for months.and have done PT for months.. MRI even shows nothing but still extreme pain when I try to play soccer and can feel it at times when going up and down stairs or even standing up sometimes.

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