Leg Exercises For Seniors | Leg, Knee & Hip Exercises For Seniors | (Includes Single-Leg Exercises)
Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this lower body exercise video which includes both double-leg and single-leg exercises to get your legs stronger.
SUBSCRIBE to this channel for regular exercise videos for seniors to help you improve your health and fitness.
It's important to include single-leg exercises to strengthen up both legs-equally, with only double leg exercises you could be using one side more than the other.
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to this channel for regular exercise videos to help you improve your health and fitness.
In this video we cover:
Intro: 0:00
Double-Leg Exercises: 0:30
Single-Leg Exercises: 5:43
Make your own exercise playlist with your favourite exercise videos, to learn how to do this click here: https://bit.ly/39tlNLd
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL for regular exercise videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC4TRhL4BiA7--jpxVVXcpQ?sub_confirmation=1
If you'd like to SUPPORT More Life Health, you can do so by DONATING here: https://morelifehealth.com/donate
FREE 4-WEEK SENIOR'S EXERCISE E-BOOK, click here: https://www.morelifehealth.com/join
Improve strength and fitness faster with the BEST RESISTANCE BAND FOR SENIORS, click here: https://morelifehealth.com/bands
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Do your best and any questions ask below!
- Mike
More Life Health offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only.
All videos and information is not medical advice. Mike is a licensed Physiotherapist; however, he is not your Physiotherapist and cannot diagnose you over the internet.
You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor should it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a Doctor or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk
You should consult your Doctor or other health care professional before starting a More Life Health program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.
Do not start this fitness program if your doctor or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
#morelifehealth #legexercisesforseniors #seniorsexercises
Join me (Mike – Physiotherapist) for this lower body exercise video which includes both double-leg and single-leg exercises to get your legs stronger.
SUBSCRIBE to this channel for regular exercise videos for seniors to help you improve your health and fitness.
It’s important to include single-leg exercises to strengthen up both legs-equally, with only double leg exercises you could be using one side more than the other.
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to this channel for regular exercise videos to help you improve your health and fitness.
In this video we cover:
Intro: 0:00
Double-Leg Exercises: 0:30
Single-Leg Exercises: 5:43
Make your own exercise playlist with your favourite exercise videos, to learn how to do this click here: https://bit.ly/39tlNLd
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL for regular exercise videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC4TRhL4BiA7–jpxVVXcpQ?sub_confirmation=1
If you’d like to SUPPORT More Life Health, you can do so by DONATING here: https://morelifehealth.com/donate
FREE 4-WEEK SENIOR’S EXERCISE E-BOOK, click here: https://www.morelifehealth.com/join
Improve strength and fitness faster with the BEST RESISTANCE BAND FOR SENIORS, click here: https://morelifehealth.com/bands
JOIN THE FACEBOOK SUPPORT COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/morelifehealthseniors/
Do your best and any questions ask below!
– Mike
More Life Health offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only.
All videos and information is not medical advice. Mike is a licensed Physiotherapist; however, he is not your Physiotherapist and cannot diagnose you over the internet.
You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor should it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a Doctor or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk
You should consult your Doctor or other health care professional before starting a More Life Health program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.
Do not start this fitness program if your doctor or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
#morelifehealth #legexercisesforseniors #seniorsexercises
Hey Everyone. I hope you enjoy these leg exercises (you may have seen it in the longer workout routine). Remember to SUBSCRIBE to the channel for regular exercise videos for seniors and let me know how you went below. I’ll see you soon for more! – Mike
How often should I do your exercises, for how long and how many days a week.,I was doing different ones every day for 45 minutes twice a day but started getting a lot,of stiffness in my knees and legs and was told you should only do it once a day, 3 times a week.is that enough ? Guess I was pushing it as after stopping the daily routine I feel a lot better as my,legs are not stiff anymore with this new shorter routine. I am 79 years old and this injury was from a fall.
Always enjoy yr exercises.
Best exercises for legs I’ve found. So glad I found you!
Thank you!!! I’ve been hunting down leg strengthen exercises on line and you won my loyalty?
New subscriber with osteoarthritis in knees. Do you have any special instructions for those of us with this issue? Thank you so much for your videos.
Mike, can some exercises, such as the first one (1:54), or this (9:20), be done without leaning on a chair?
Thanks for your work!
Thank you tried this exercise to-day helping to keep me fit.
I'm 71 and I try and do the exercises every day, I feel refreshed and relax when I'm done, I do the 35,min and two more, the one for stronger legs and the upper body if I don't have the time. I have a rotator cuff tear which is calcified so I'm in a little bit of pain at the moment,. What can I do to ease the pain.
Thank you. Just did this as part of my cardio rehab.
Hi Mike, Could you suggest stretches & strengtheners to relieve Periformis Sciatica Syndrome? That’d be wonderful because this condition is chronic with me. Cheers, Liz
Thank you for info on squats. Have so much trouble with these. These options really helpful!
I do like having different sets of exercise to try for different purposes. As they are all recorded, it offsets any potential monotony in solitary sessions. This channel is SO useful. There were things here I've never tried before!
Thanks Mike!! You are always coming up with some exciting new exercises!! Unending store!! Thanks Mike I enjoyed this video. God Bless!!
Thank you so much
Question: How is it you know just how much we can handle without losing us thereafter? I just keep coming back for more and I'm grateful! Thank you!
All these squats are killing my knees
Thank you somuch
That was a another good one. I am not supposed to be doing squats and lunges, for now, anyway, due to a recent surgery, so I did balance exercises during those ones. I found the one leg and standing on toes challenging. I managed it, though, yet, one side was easier than the other.