Injury Spotlight: What is Tennis Elbow? Stretches & Exercises

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Watch as Airrosti’s Dr. Travis Owens describes some of the common causes of Tennis Elbow pain. He describes how weakness in specific muscle groups can contribute to pain and limited range of motion. He also demonstrates four easy exercises to help increase your strength and range of motion while decreasing your pain.

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Fakawrahir says:

Fish oil somehow reduced the pain for me.

babyyboyy says:

I am watching this because the night before, I work out bicep and tricep and then I slept with my right elbow bent under my body weight. Now I cannot bend it and it hurts when I poked it LOL

Martin Hirineo-Ortiz says:

Bothers me when I do bicep curls

AGRO says:

Thanks dude i play cricket where there is action of overhead throwing and i bowl fast so it helped alot man you saved my sports carrer

Be Sure says:

Thanks man it really helpful 😲

Myintuition369 says:

I'm a gymnastics coach and I get it from spotting

Ties VanLieshout says:

i'm 14 and i can do all these exercises but when I flex my bicep or do pullups, tennis or weightlifitng it hurts do you have a solution?


Tennis elbow… Try cement-bag elbow 💪

Sonu Lamba says:

I found it! Thanks for the help, I got tennis elbow from playing badminton excessively.

aman says:

Been playing basketball again after a long time and my elbow hurts everytime. Turns out its because I always sleep on my stomach with my elbow and wrist bent under my chest.

Lovepreet Singh says:

My mom had tennis elbow, but after treatment from Planet Ayurveda, she is fine.

Vladimir White says:

got this shit from doing reverse curls (forearm curls)

kevinhesspschamp says:

Well I'm ready for the retirement home lmao

Warren Cochrane says:

Thank you!!

being real says:

I had blood plasma 3wks ago I feel like a new man if you can get your doctor to get you in surgery for it I highly recommend it. I was suffering for 3yrs until I had the blood plasma I'm a new man. Hopefully this helps

James Campbell says:

How about running a wood chipper for 2 weeks?

N.S. Lakhawat says:

Happened while doing chinups

Rocka Boo says:

Thanks! I thought I got this from spending time in driving range and golf😂. I only play tennis once a year though.

Rita Jubitana says:

I have tennis elbow,4 years now there is fluid in the elbow how come

Don Draper says:

Tennis wiener….

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