How 1 Simple Stretch STOPPED Real Patient's Knee Pain-Now Doing Iron Man Races!

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“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck bring in a real patient who discusses how one simple stretch stopped his knee pain (both knees) forever- He is now doing Iron Man Competitions.
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Diana Olivarez says:

Wow! Thank you for showing that exercise I will try that too. Cause my knee hurts from walking after an ankle sprain. And probably I walked too, soon. But will try anything.
Thank you Bob and Brad you are the best.😁🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️


How about if the knee pain due to a tear in the lateral meniscus already as seen in the MRI of my knee? Will these methods u showed applicable? I was advised that this should be surgery but it can wait. I was actually diagnosed since feb 2022 and it is already july 2022

Mary Buford says:

That's a yoga stretch

gold gold says:

The exercise was not shown properly.. Can you pls make a clear explanation video on this strech alone… Please please..

Brian Roch says:

Bone on bone nothing left ,all exercise dont seem to matter .

Joseph von Blingin' says:

To add to this – I developed ITBS 6 weeks ago and have just started doing this stretch (twice daily) for the past 4 days and I'm making it further down the hill without knee pain each day. Definitely worth doing.

Abdul Sami says:

I am ready to pay for this video

shafiq ahmad says:

hi dr i am pt of knee osteoarthritis. my rt knee has swelled a lot. what is treatment?

Jerry Cash says:

My hips immediately hurt when I tried the first stretch.

Dane LaFrance says:

I love you guys and all of the free information you give us, I’m a dish washer and I work work and my body is sore after every shift and whenever I started watching you’re vidoes and actually listen instead of waiting for the stretch itself is really helpful but I’ve been doing a lot of the stretches you’ve shown in vidoes and I just gotta say thank you 🙏🏻💯

Shee Pa says:

Love that mic guys🥰

Blessed says:

Superb 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻we have this asana in yoga n its called vakrasana 😍😍😍😍never thought its so good for knee pain .thanks guys ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ u 2 soooo much
Even the last stretch is an asana in yoga n excellent for hamstrings

Yellow Quantum says:

Best interview atleast to me !! What a great role model. I am having knee problems just turn 61 I have been a cyclist and raced since 10 years old. I love fitness and now I am having to sublimate. I watch a lot Bob&Brad and they help a lot .

Matt R says:

I have both knee and hip pain, with the hip pain running down the front and side of the thigh. I recently started the hip flexor stretches you showed in another video, which include this stretch, and had one morning a few days ago where I got up and neither my knee or hip hurt at all. But I think I overdid the stretches that day because later that day the pain came back with a vengeance. I plan to continue the stretches, but not as aggressively. Looking forward to being able to walk normally and hopefully start running.

isobel says:

6:28 and 8:57 are the stretches.

Oexodus says:

Why some of y’all so ungrateful in the comments they’re giving you advice on how to fix the pain. They may like to socialize a lot before getting to the point but they will get there, relax…

Peggy Malloy says:

Yes, volume please.

April M says:

Both my knees are shot at 66 yrs old, seeing my Dr next week to get into therapy again, worked great before

Roy Dredge says:

just had my tkr thanks for helpfull videos

vickie hw says:

Dan thank you for showing ur treatment
By exercise for knee pain. It is good u have no pain now Good luck!

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