Aqua Fitness DEEP water pool exercise with a Noodle – FULL Workout- ADVANCED! 45 min- Core & Cardio
This advanced pool workout is done in the DEEP portion of the pool. We will use a noodle for extra resistance as we warm up, complete a variety of aqua exercises, and then stretch at the end. We will get to those major muscle groups, especially the lower body and the core. Due to the properties of water, being in the deeper water will engage more muscles, provide more resistance and be easier on your joints. This workout is of higher intensity, so a buoyancy belt is definitely recommended to assist. Please take breaks as needed and make sure you use your best posture while you are executing your moves. Most importantly, have fun!
I suggest you warm up with the video, but if you want to skip right to the exercises:
Click to 09:40
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If you are looking for the workout (in printed format) so that you can use without electronics by the pool, please know that you can purchase the instructions (with pictures and descriptions). These come laminated for easy use by the pool. Message Stacy for details and the workout that you are interested in.
??????? Looking for aqua equipment????????????
Click here to buy a buoyancy belt or a noodle
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#aquaFIIT #bestpoolworkout #funinthepool #deepwaterworkout
This advanced pool workout is done in the DEEP portion of the pool. We will use a noodle for extra resistance as we warm up, complete a variety of aqua exercises, and then stretch at the end. We will get to those major muscle groups, especially the lower body and the core. Due to the properties of water, being in the deeper water will engage more muscles, provide more resistance and be easier on your joints. This workout is of higher intensity, so a buoyancy belt is definitely recommended to assist. Please take breaks as needed and make sure you use your best posture while you are executing your moves. Most importantly, have fun!
I suggest you warm up with the video, but if you want to skip right to the exercises:
Click to 09:40
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If you are looking for the workout (in printed format) so that you can use without electronics by the pool, please know that you can purchase the instructions (with pictures and descriptions). These come laminated for easy use by the pool. Message Stacy for details and the workout that you are interested in.
??????? Looking for aqua equipment????????????
Click here to buy a buoyancy belt or a noodle
All purchases help to support this channel.
Join Stacy on Social Media:
#aquaFIIT #bestpoolworkout #funinthepool #deepwaterworkout
As a lousy swimmer, I’m so hesitant to enter the deep end even though I have buoyancy belt and there’d be a noodle too. I’ll have to test it out near the side until I get comfortable because I really want to try this.
Cool excercises, thank you 🙂
I used some of your moves in my todays' lesson. My clients were very happy…they liked the variaty. Many thanks. Cheers, Katja from Switzerland!
Love, love this!!
Me encantaron mucho estos ejercicios he notado el cambio, y me ayudan mucho con mi problema en la rodilla, ya que solo puedo nadar, no puedo hacer otros ejercicios de impacto, gracias 🙂
This was my first deep water aqua fitness class. It was challenging but great. I was wanted something different. Will have to practice a little more on some of the exercises.
Is this a good workout to strengthen my core? I have scoliosis, just found out at age 62 and in order to be able to walk up right, strengthening my core is essential!
Love your workouts!
This one was great fun. I have so much fun more in our pool, thanks to your excercises!! I hope you will make your next pool excercises even more challenging!
Short but tough. This was so good. Thanks!
Going to work up to this one. I've been doing the senior workput for half hour and pool noodle workout for an hour 6 times a week. This one is my next goal. Thank you!
I thoroughly enjoyed this workout.
May I know how deep should be ?
This was a great work out. 45 min was great warm up and cool down included. It was a great burn
This was amazing 🤩
Going back to the gym and no pool classes. I can’t wait to do this👍
I have to build muscle and I know this is the safest way to go about it!! Thank you!!!!!🥰