BEST Exercises for Frozen Shoulder | Adhesive Capsulitis (Mobility, Stretches, Strength)

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Do you have frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) or work with patients that do? Check out this video to learn everything you need to know about rehabbing frozen shoulder!

Frozen shoulder presents with shoulder pain and a progressive loss of both active and passive shoulder movement. It also goes by the name of adhesive capsulitis, as it was originally believed that adhesions and inflammation of the shoulder capsule were sole contributors to this pain and loss of motion. Based on this assumption, a common treatment option often involve aggressive, painful stretching in order to “break up” these adhesions. However, as more information has become available, our understanding of this condition and treatment options has evolved. 

This video will discuss the diagnosis and clinical course of frozen shoulder, exercise guidelines, and briefly review other management strategies for rehabilitation based on the best available evidence.

Introduction (0:00)
What is Frozen Shoulder? (0:44)
Diagnosis (2:19)
Clinical Course and Expectations (3:01)
Exercise Guidelines (4:58)
Other Exercises and Lifestyle Factors (13:56)
Load Management and Activity Modifications (14:33)
Other Treatment Options (15:12)
Summary (16:48)
Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.


E3 Rehab says:

Thank you for watching! Be sure to check out the blog! All references included!

Emily Wood says:

What's the brand of the resistance bands used in the video?

Hear and Obey says:

Thank you so much for this informative video. QUESTION: Is it possible to have frozen shoulder in both shoulders at the same time ? Thank you !

AllBodyTV - 건강채널 says:

Thanks! This is best exercise I've ever seen!

John Mark Manit says:

Thank you so much and this video helps a lot. But I have a concern with my left shoulder, it kinda move backwards in certain angle by it's own especially if I don't exert force on my shoulder muscles. Is this caused by weak and stiff muscles?

Essen says:

Could you please define what is active and passive motion?

Essen says:

Best one in internet! Thank you!

Jungle Jim says:

This is the best advice I've seen. I'm eight months into a frozen shoulder that started about four years after a supraspinatus tear. I was mostly pain free from the rotator cuff injury until about nine months before the frozen shoulder. Anyway, now I'm eleven weeks post op. Tendon repaired, bicep tenodisis, and capsular relief was performed. They had my shoulder straight over my head under anesthesia and I started therapy the next day. My shoulder now doesn't move past 45 degrees of flexion without pain. The PT can move it further with considerable discomfort, but most of my gains have come from increasing scapular mobility. The surgeon acted like his work was going to solve the whole problem. The PT thinks it would eventually go away on it's own. Neither made any sense to me. This video gives me a plan that I feel I can follow, and with it, a little hope.

Chris H says:

That’s was great thank you, I’m 12 months in and struggling with the consistency

Nick Kasumova says:

You mentioned the current timeline that most know for frozen shoulder of “freezing, frozen and thawing” is not evidence based which is for sure interesting and I didn’t know. Is there a model I could use when discussing this with patients? I also wonder the overall prognosis for patients something to educate with patients like: “we see that about _% of the population with frozen shoulder see sx resolve in _ months or years”. Is there any evidence looking at overall prognosis with the population?

ruinafish says:

Great video. Your model client very accurately depicted the pain associated with frozen shoulder!

In my idiopathic presentation, I had a few clinicians misdiagnose my frozen shoulder as a subscapularis tear (this was prior to restriction of ROM).

Suryavaraman. says:

My left shoulder is suffering from this for 10 years. And it's getting worse as I type this. Thanks for this video and I will post updates on here 3 month periods.

Charles Piette says:

this video is very impressive. You people at E3 are doing very good work.


This is an awesome video. Thanks.
I do realize now its been almost two years my physiotherapist gave me some exercises to do… 😏 I guess the pain won't go away unless I make them…

N.W. Braun says:

Guys, to say that your content is insanely good is not enough !! 🙂
Keep doing it !

dinikosama says:

High quality video and instruction! Thank you.

Lokey says:

This channel needs more recognition. Underrated one.

Masud Rana says:

What's the benefit of thoracic extension?

Mj Claudia Nava says:

How the study relates to movement gain post anaesthesia and the cause as non-mechanical factor is very much true. I can relate to this from my practice too. Like for example this happens with knee osteoarthritis as well. We know muscle is the primary lever system for the bones and it's guarding severely affects the joint motion when done actively. For this we need to make sure the active movement or passive intervention like mobilization is being done in a way that it relaxed the muscles. With severe mobilization we may see a quick increase in the shoulder range of motion but the pt always end up having a sore day and deltoid guarding consequently not able to complete the exercise progression for that day. Whenever I have done mobilization of accessory movements without pulling the muscles, followed by active muscle strengthening, it has always worked for the best interest of the pts.

Ahsen Raza says:

Man this is what i was looking for.. plz more of these about other major musculoskeletal conditions. Evidence based practice 👍👍

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