How To Do a Groin Stretch

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Alignment Points: Make sure your back is off of the chair. Watch to make sure the spine is not curled and is lengthened. Move your heart center and chin forward. Hold for at least 3 breaths.

Benefits of Pose: Aligns shoulders. Stretches and strengthens back and core muscles. Stretches inner thighs and opens hips. Helps balance tightness in groin, which impacts the knees and lower back. Increases awareness.

Demonstrated by Judi Bar, Yoga Program Manager for Cleveland Clinic.

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She look like a freak😂😂😂

Limeava says:

You must have some kind of flexibility disease because you wayyy too flexible

Pariah Azul says:

Does this stretch help with being able to flexibly do butterflies with feet touching groin?

ReformMadeKB says:

Quick and straight to the point . I love it! You my friend have earned a subscriber

Grendelmonster8u says:

How many times do you do it? I’m having inner thigh groin pain that keeps me from walking normally and sometimes there’s shooting pain when I can barely walk at all. It’s been intermittent but has now gone on for days and my lower back is hurting. I’ll try to see a doctor but I’m looking for some immediate relief so I can walk. It’s painful just to pull my left leg into the car. Thanks.

tia. says:

Ummm this is a very short vid..and it doesn't work (well it doesn't work for meh)

Lord Communism says:

Also known as mansprea- I mean, Womanspreading.

M H says:

My grandpa loves this video.

ariimoana cotter says:

Most straight forward video I’ve ever seen

MëøW Gang says:

That looks like a satisfying stretch

Would it help my pulled groin muscle?

Caocao8888 says:

Don't they perform neck lifts at the Cleveland Clinic?

Jack is Black says:

I swear I thought she was twerking .

Jerry Williams - Personal Trainer, Rapper, & Actor says:

this stretch fixed my knee pain! thank you.

Theresa King says:

I'm scared 😂😶

Aluat Lual says:

She lookin constipated

hollywoodjewels says:

hard nips 🤤

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