Tennis Elbow Stretches & Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a very painful condition on the outside of the elbow from an overuse injury. It can be caused from several sports or even overuse on your computer or iPad. These stretches and exercises should help. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about this at:

The first set of exercises will loosen up the muscles, try not to push through pain, just get a slight stretch. You can prop your arm on a table and let your wrist hand off or you can hold it up in the air. Make a fist with your hand with your palm down. At your wrist, bend your wrist up to work the muscles in extension, and then bend it down to stretch the muscles in flexion. Then turn your fist to the side with the thumb toward the ceiling for a radial and ulnar deviation movement going up and down. Finally, with your palm open and your elbow by your side, turn your forearm up with the palm up in supination, and then turn it down into pronation. Do all of these about ten times.

Now for some exercises, you can use a soup can or resistive bands if you have some, but start off with something light. Go back to your flexion and extension movement, and go slow and controlled with this. Do about ten of these. Now grab a hammer or something that is top heavy to give you an extra stretch with overpressure. You will do your supination and pronation now with the hammer. Do ten of these.

For stretching, put your arm straight out in front of you. With your palm down, bend your wrist down with overpressure from your other hand. If this is not enough of a stretch, curl your fingers into a fist and do the same stretch. Hold these for 30 seconds, and do three of them.

Finally, roll up a towel and hold it straight out in front of you. Now you will twist at your wrist, like you are giving gas to a motorcycle. Try to keep the tension tight on the towel. You can also buy a Theraband Flexbar for more resistance.

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Tennis Elbow Stretches & Exercises:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.


AskDoctorJo says:

Purchase a printable worksheet with the Tennis Elbow Stretches & Exercises in this video here:
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405Lenny says:

Thank you for this. 🙏

Rosaura Rodriguez says:

This exercises are miraculous . alleviated my pain after just one day of doing them. Thank you very much!

Beverley Bordalo says:

Thank you. These exercises are making a difference. I'm feeling a deep stretch all the way to my scapular muscles!!! Looking forward to being more supple and pain free. 🙏🏽🌱🐶

Jeffrey Wallace says:

Much appreciated thanks and cute doggy:)

AshTaylor95 says:

Mine started out as pain and one night I woke up after my arm fell asleep as it usually does when I lay on my right side, and since then I've had what feels like a type of tingling and tightness from my elbow to my pinky finger. My doctor diagnosed it as tennis elbow and I'm hoping these exercises can help me go back to normal again some day. Thanks you, I was scared I'd live with this for the rest of my life I'm only 26

MegaJuanWorldwide says:

Where can I get the therapy rods you were talking about?

bhaw says:

Oh dat gelt so good thank u

s 9 says:

i decided to hand nail a fence and now i'm looking at these videos haha

JiveMiguel70 says:

Hi thanks for the video. I don't have much pain but my thumb is a little numb and tingly. Can this numbness be caused by the tennis elbow?

you don't know says:

Thank you very much

Phillip Ruland says:

How often a day do I do these exercises for my tennis elbow?

Heather Frampton says:

Thank you so much, Doctor Jo! 😁This is so timely as I have been suffering from "Tennis Elbow" this week. Ugh. It's really interfering with my health and fitness routines! 🙄 My PT husband has recommended icing and Advil. 😁❤️

Chris Lonie says:

Hi, how often should I perform these exercises? Twice a day, every day? Thanks…

Trax says:

Bless you!! I feel a positive difference already 😅😎😍. Advil works but I'd rather heal and strengthen vs numbing. Thanks for this help!

Digital Muse Spiritual Awakening says:

Thank you so much, this has been a painful experience. To me it feels like a broken bone. The mornings are the worst. Hope everyone heals quickly.


I Hope This Works!! Again, I'm a Boxer In Training and I Really Beat Myself Too As so Do My Opponents 😅 Got a bit of Tennis Elbow Action Going On, But! I Trust You‼️ I'll give this try!

Johnathan Thomas says:

You’re my hero

Mod Mutha says:

Thank you!! this has helped so much

Brenda D says:

Oh my gosh I know this video is 5 years old and you'll probably never see this but thank you for posting this it is EXACTLY what I needed. I am in between doctors as I moved states and have been in so much pain and with covid I don't want to go out anyway and I don't even have to buy anything to follow your instructions! Thank you thank you thank you so much! I am definitely a new subscriber!

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