Frozen shoulder exercises – how I got relief in just two days

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Looking for effective frozen shoulder exercises at home? Learn shoulder stretches and exercises that helped Matt unfreeze his frozen shoulder fast! Plus learn HOW to start thinking about your own shoulder issues so you can find your own frozen shoulder solution!

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When Matt’s shoulder suddenly froze up while on vacation, he was worried. But after many years of training people with shoulder pain and frozen shoulder, he knew he could find a way to get relief.

He figured out how to troubleshoot his own shoulder and get nearly instant frozen shoulder relief. Based on years of experience working other people with shoulder problems, he figured out how to free up his own frozen shoulder in 2 days.

It’s important to remember that people’s movement problems need to be looked at on an individual basis, so use these exercises only as a way to test what’s going on with your body! Don’t assume that these exercises are the perfect cure for everyone’s frozen shoulder! They’re a good starting point for experimentation!

Exercises: 1:44

Reverse engineering frozen shoulder: 5:28


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Rajesh Parekh says:

🕉️ 🙏 Shanti

Buretche Vlog says:

Thanks for your tutorial

Katerina Ryndenkova says:

It's not a frozen shoulder. It starts slowly, and develops over a few months.

Daniel Williams says:

What if it's hard to turn you hand over?

Divya Mehta says:

I am not even able to do the bottle excersize. My hand doesn't want to do it. I am in middle of night on pain please help 🙏

AwesomeAlex! Adam says:

Just what I've been looking for. This really Helped. Thanks!

Jesse Glancy says:

Whether what I had was frozen shoulder or not, I don't know. What I do know is that my shoulder was getting worse and worse, ruining my sleep and severely limiting my ROM. I was given other exercises to do for frozen shoulder and they didn't seem to be helping. My friend that had frozen shoulder said it took him 4 months to heal doing those exercises. Well, I have been doing the exercises in this video for 2 days and have almost completely recovered my ROM. I still have some pain in extreme movements, but I was expecting to deal with it a lot longer. I also used a massage gun a lot. I feel sore but it's more like muscle soreness from a good workout than pain. I've also been able to sleep without taking naproxen. I'm very encouraged and thankful.

caseypromise says:

If this video helped you – you don’t have ACTUAL frozen shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
This is misinformation and should be taken down.

caseypromise says:

Bruh. You didn’t have frozen shoulder 😂🤣
I can not believe you don’t know anything about Adhesive Capsulitis.
Guys, if you have ACTUAL frozen shoulder, please do not do this. Go see an orthopedic.

Frozen shoulder is excruciatingly painful during the “freezing” stage.
Like, put you on your knees if you move it the wrong way.
It takes anywhere from 6 months to 3 years to heal.

If you’re watching this and this worked for you, you do NOT have Frozen Shoulder.

Do not listen to this guy.

cheryl Scialis says:

Thank you 👍

Ben Edwards says:

If you contracted the disease of frozen shoulder in a couple of days; there is NO WAY that your diagnoses was correct. Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) manifests over weeks, months and maybe years. It is a gradual  strong connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint (called the shoulder joint capsule) become thick, stiff, and inflamed. So; you mis-diagnosed the problem and prognosis, or, You are a complete dumbass, or just willfully ignorant and perpetuating a lie.

The health key Zhao says:

Eddie Schneider says:

i can't go even half way when doing the "grab the rail, lean forward, palm up." front shoulder sharp pain, level 6-7.

Estrella Gusto says:

Simple & helpful exercises…thank you!

Richard Arnold says:

There is no way I can do that lat stretch as soon as I put any weight on my arm the pain is excruciating

Joshua Danis says:

Thanks this was the best exercices for me. It really helped and made a huge difference

derita43 says:

Thank you🥰 I will keep doing the shoulder stretch exercises with the bottle it really helped.

Dan Garuga says:

I may give these a go. I've been living with a frozen shoulder for years. It's incredibly painful

James Schmidt says:

What a revelation. IDK about turning the hand up during a lat stretch and using the water bottle to rotate out was very helpful. I felt more movement in minutes and could place my hand on my back with little difficulty for the first time in a year. Praise God!

Laura Woolfson says:

I have had a frozen shoulder before and when I started with another the pain was immense. These exercises have helped so much!!! I’ve had injections, manipulation under anaesthetic and I can’t tell you how these exercises have helped. Thank you so much!!

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