Knee Pain Exercises – Physical Therapy For Knee Pain

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KNEE PAIN EXERCISES – PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR KNEE PAIN ⭐️Jessica takes you through a basic home exercise routine for a variety of knee injuries and pain. As a physical therapist, these are the knee pain exercises she gives to most of her clients with knee pain. She will explain a common cause of knee pain and talk you through the exercises in a clear, concise and encouraging way! ⭐️ Find Jessica’s entire workout library, full length workouts, tutorials and recipes 👉🏼

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Jessica Valant and Jessica Valant Pilates, LLC, recommend you consult with a physician before starting any new exercise program. The information given here is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please stop if you feel any pain or dizziness. You understand that physical activity can pose a risk and by watching this channel and these videos you assume all risk and release Jessica Valant and Jessica Valant Pilates, LLC, from all liability.


Cheri Shrake says:

I was having a difficult time walking due to my knee pain after a run last week. Then I returned to work as a CNA the next day for the first time in three months from family medical leave. That was rough. I did these yesterday and my knee pain improved significantly. Thank you so much.

Advocate Mahmood Ahmad Malik says:

She is excellent, simple and effective exercises which really work.

Sean Hall says:


Imam Bakhsh says:

hi jysica dear

Soph says:

My knees were in bad shape and these exercises really helped me! The pain is gone & I’ll continue doing them to strengthen my knees. Thank you so much🙏🙏

joe p says:

I been watching you for so long. You are so beautiful.

Robby Albright says:

Gonna do this everyday!! Even if just a little bit.. been 2-4 years with knee pain.. gotten a lot better but still there and now getting focused again on what truly matters!!

Robby Albright says:

Its the simple and usually semi boring that I am finding are usually the right answer

Andrea Hernandez says:

I gasped when you picked the leg all the way up and it was still straight, my knees and legs could NEVERR

Julie Waite says:

Dear Jessica can you help me. I now have Fibromyalgia with a severe scoliosis which I have fractured. I've not been able to continue my pilates class and I'm unable to lie flat on the floor or even my bed. I have to sleep basically sat up and V cushion in a chair . I'm in chronic pain all the time I'm unable to walk far due to pain and feeling extremely exhausted all the time. I'm retired and over 60. Pain relief is morphine which reduces the pain a little. It still can be extreme most days then I can only sleep. I was fit although I can still touch my toes. I would love a short and easy few exercises that I could do once I've got up. Even a warm up would be welcom. Thank you hope you can help.

ava says:

You are awesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Isabella Turner says:

This helped me a lot I. Before I found this video I wasn’t able to do a lunge or squad because of my knee pain. After trying out these knee exercises I was able to do it with little to no pain !!


I have patellar tendonitis & this is going to be so helpful!

cara Hartman says:

Should I do these everyday

Stephen O'Rourke says:

I'd marry her tomorrow.

Jennifer Isenhart says:

What do I do if my knee hurts when I do this?

Kenneth Conner says:

I used a pillow for mine

kc0rock says:

Will this help me with a knee that snaps? is it okay to do these exercises while my knee snaps or stop short of the range of motion where it doesn't? I have no pain with my knee that snaps. Very concise instruction.

Travel super youtube channel says:

Very good job

Kelly Patchet says:

Thank you for these! I have one question: since we're working our quads and glute meds, is it important to stretch after these? Could a lack of stretching also impact knee pain?

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