Torn ACL Knee Ligament

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This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows a knee surgery ACL repair. The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of the four main ligaments connecting the femur to the tibia. The ACL provides stability as you move your knee. If your ACL tears through completely, your doctor may recommend surgery to repair it.

#TornACL #ACL #KneeSurgery


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Haru Yukinoshita says:

I think i had ACL 3 years ago….should i meet doctor? cause my knee didnt feel the same since the injuries happen

Dr Lalit Bafna says:

Thankyou for this video

Tacticalblade says:

Sleeping first at a sleepover

Muhamad Helmi says:

Thanks. Now i gain the knowledge on how to repair my acl. But i need to ruptured it first. Wish me luck.

Kayleanah Ware says:

i have to undergo this surgery in a while but thanks to the comment section i feel a lot better and comfortable

Carlo Landingin says:

feel sorry for youngest mvp, to feel this pain

Derrick Rose*

Esports Drive says:

As a football player it’s sad to know this

InnocentBeggar says:

Mu surgery went wrong πŸ’€

Muhammad Arif Iqbal says:

About twenty -five years ago, I fell on the ground and received a severe internal injury in my left knee. I consulted many doctors. They prescribed me pain killers and gels but a little betterment in pain. I decided to do MRI by myself which showed fanning of the fibres of ACL of left knee, moderate sprain and partial tear of ACL. I can walk easily but I cannot get I cannot run. What will be its treatment?


Great explanation! Thank youπŸ’ͺ🏿

Spooky Da Scary says:

9 months fk

Northern Lofi Beats 🎧 says:

Got my acl reconstruction tomorrow πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

Amit Attri says:

My knee ligaments have broken…I'm of 30..vegetarian..from India..but I don't have money for surgery.. please help me …

mel says:

it’s unfortunate that my knee is never the same after a torn ACL and surgery, but nevertheless, i’m grateful

Chris Malit says:

The surgeon's pronoun could be they

SlayBot YT says:

Anybody here from Sundram Says? 🌝

Z I S H A N says:

Sundaram says attendance

Treyster NamNam says:

It should be called the Patellar ligament not the patellar tendon. Patella to tibia is bone to bone, ligament.

YoScreens says:

so almost every athlete has a screw in their knee

SeagIe says:

bro i got that jameis winston injury 35 a g

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