Top 10 Balance Exercises for Seniors at Home. STOP FALLS.

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“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the Top 10 Balance Exercises for Seniors at Home. STOP FALLS.
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Disneyworld1971 says:

LOVE your channel. But holy crap you guys put in a lot of ads

Laurie Capps says:

thank you for the tips and and demonstration

lezleyd55 says:

Tight rope walking😂

SkyTechBits says:

I miss Johnny Cash. Great reference there Brad. Thanks for all of these tips and more that you do.

Gabriel J Marian says:

try this everyday:

Denise Mullarkey says:

I do balance issues but tend to trip trying to fix all of those

Rick Fairhope says:

If you want a bunch of ads this is the place to be .. I’m moving on

Becky Symmes says:


Susan B Cohrs says:

You two are the BEST!

Fran Cansdell says:

What a weird name physical therapist. We call them physiotherapists.

mark roberts says:

Y’all talk to much, just want to see the exercises…….

brian janson says:

Thanks, guys. Hopefully, this will help my dad.

R CR says:

thank you guys, will put some of these into practice with my personal training parkinson's client

Anne Marie Comberrel says:

Thank you for sharing this. I need to work on my balance. I’m in a walker but sometimes I’m unsteady and fall. I don’t want to go back to the wheelchair.

Flora Ott says:

You keep talking while I could be exercising. Never have time

Sharon Mccode says:

Good Job!!!

Carl Salazar says:

I’ve noticed that climbing a two or three steep ladders has become harder as I become older. I’m hoping that by incorporating these exercises it will make climbing easier. Thanks

DM McHugh says:

At 59 I had vestibular problem, which needed a year to clear up. Now at 62, I have some residual, infrequent, short-term unsteadiness, mostly at night.
I've found the yoga "tree " pose helps a lot.

Jeelli73 says:

I teach fitness to patients with Parkinson's Disease. These exercises are perfect to teach our clients who are much older or more progressed in the disease

samsensation786 says:

Im 34 doing this exercises because i have balance problems because of MS

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Prevent Falls Neuro-Balance Therapy