Biceps Tendonitis Stretches & Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

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Biceps Tendonitis (a.k.a. bicipital tendonitis) is an inflammation or irritation of the long head of the biceps tendon. When it gets irritated, it can be very painful and limit movement in the shoulder. Buy a worksheet with these stretches & exercises at

The biceps tendon is a strong, cord-like structure that connects the biceps muscle to the bones in the shoulder.

To stretch the biceps muscles and tendons, you can stand in a doorway or use a sturdy chair to hold onto. With your palm open facing in front of you, place it on the sturdy chair or doorway and lean forward bringing your shoulder forward and across your body. Hold that for 30 seconds and do it three times.

Another way to stretch them is to use the seat of the chair, and place your palm down on it with your fingers facing away from you. Turn around so your arm is behind you, and again lean forward and push your shoulder in front of you and slightly across your body. Hold for 30 seconds and do three of them.

Now you are going to sit in a chair and use a resistive band. Anchor the band onto something sturdy or have someone hold onto it for you. This exercise will be for internal rotation. Anchor it to a table leg, in a door, or have someone hold it for you. If you want to roll up a small towel and place it between your side and your elbow, this will keep your arm close to your side through out the exercise. Keep your elbow at about a 90 degree angle and your thumb up towards the ceiling. Slowly pull your arm and the band in towards your stomach, and then slowly come back out. You don’t need to come back out far, just to where your forearm is straight out in front of you. Start off with 10 of these, and then work your way up to 20-25. If that becomes easy, then move up with resistive bands.

Now you will do a shoulder external rotation. The band will be on the outside of your body. Start off with your arm at your stomach. Try to keep your elbow by your side through out the exercise. If you want to roll up a small towel and place it between your elbow and your side, this will keep your arm close to your side through out the exercise. Keep your elbow at about a 90 degree angle and your thumbs up towards the ceiling. Also try to keep your wrist in a neutral position. You don’t want to over stress your wrist, and then have a wrist injury. Slowly pull arm out away from your body, and then slowly come back in. Start off with 10 of these, and then work your way up to 20-25. If that becomes easy, then move up with resistive bands.

The last exercise is bicep curls. You can step on the band, and keep your elbow by your side. Pull all the way up and all the way down. Make sure you are doing the full motion to maximize working the muscle. Make sure you are controlling the band; don’t let the band control you!

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Biceps Tendonitis Stretches & Exercises:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.


AskDoctorJo says:

Buy a worksheet with these Biceps Tendonitis Stretches & Exercises at
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Gabri Rolland says:

Thank you! Can you please tell why one need to train internal/external rotator cuff muscles for the biceps tendinites? Are these exercises the same for the short and long biceps heads?

stomna sacmata says:

some say dont strech when its a ligament problem some say strech it all the way

Fathima Zarina Banu says:

Hey doctor jo
What should i do now from 1 day i have a pain while lifying the hand

Sathea says:

This tendonitis is super annoying. I can't even lift weights properly anymore and going to work is hell because it's all lifting for 8 hours lol.

Kevs Rev C says:

I’ve had pain in the top forearm into the lower bicep for 5 weeks, did ur stretches 2 days qnd feeling better a bit

christine dell'aquila says:

I have been in physiotherapy for 2 months for bicep tendinitis. My physiotherapist has been trying manual stretches which are incredibly painful. He had me lie down and rotates my arm from rest at my side to back behind my head as far as it will go. The last 2 times was excruciating and was in real pain. Is this normal in physiotherapy? I am thinking about changing therapists. Thanks

Cooking Tube says:

i have a patient he has tenis elbow,bicepital tendonitis,frozen shoulder….in left hand please suggest me the exercise of these combo…love from india

Joe says:

Thanks Dr Jo!

Graham N says:

Been dealing with this pain in my right arm for years, now suddenly I've got it in my left as well! Oh damn! Thanks for the help Dr. Jo, you rock~

vi dang says:

Thank you so much Dr. Jo for the helpful video. I feel totally different just trying a few minutes to start. I’m grateful. Highly recommended this video. It definitely works.

James Hyde says:

I’ve had some pain in my right bicep after having to climb up to my balcony. I work with my hands, so I’ve been in a bit of pain for a few days. These stretches have started giving me so much relief. Thanks OP!

Wael Kokash says:

Hi dr, i have been suffering from biceps tendonitis over 5 years i took medicines i went to 3 physiotherapist but to no avail, im starting to feel desparate here everytime i workout i feel pain in my shoulder i tried to stretch it but it felt worse so any advice here?

b t says:

Are these stretches available for purchase and download. My therapy for this ends this week, and I need guidance to continue this on my own. Your videos are Great, but I need visuals on hand while exercising. Your videos help me through planner fasciitis, I would like to continue with your assistance.

n1 X 0n says:

I dunno if this is the right video but my symptoms are: My right hand bicep area gets tired easily, makes a pop or crack sound if i raise or move my arm. But it doesn't hurt that much when it makes a pop or crack sound, it just hurta when i try to massage it and i feel a hard type of muscle that stucked in one place in my bicep. I haven't lost my strength tho and hopefully not cause I'm still a teen ager (18) and I've been searching for it if what is this annoying thing I've been dealing with for almost a year now. But i researched some in Google trying to find what it was, and it seems to be a "bicep tendonitis cause i play a lot of computer so i probably got it from computer mouse use. I'm sorry for making it so long but i hope anyone sees my comment. Thank you

Graciela Duenas says:

Thank you 🙏 very much
It help me a lot with my torn forth arm

I.M. Hidden says:

Yep, those hit the spot – Thanks again Dr. Jo! √

💜ᗷTS⟭⟬💜 says:

I got this pain while playing badminton🏸

Matic K says:

hi, im a new subscriber and will definitely try your exercises.

after a long break (3 months) due to a shoulder injury and now covid i started going to my gym again (been working out for about 8 years or so).

-While performing a pulldown motion on a machine my left under scapula hurts and feels like its jumping over a muscle. i know its from bad posture in front of the computer as i work from home and will try my best to fix it
-While doing a shoulder press my left front deltoid hurts, same goes when i take my shirt off. And it sometimes continue towards the left elbow-golfers elbow

Should i do these stretching exercises everytime i hit the gym? that will slowly be up to 5 times per week

I will probably ask a few additional questions once you reply. thanks in advance 🙂

Physio Care 4 U says:

Thanks this video shareing

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