45 Minute Zumba for Seniors

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This 45 minute Zumba workout is designed to work your brain and every muscle of your body, including some muscle toning with light weights.

–Find more than 100 FREE workout videos on my website: https://bit.ly/2qIYZ71
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Sylvia DiLorenzo says:

I have got to hand it to you. This is the best workout I have ever experienced. I actually worked up a sweat which I never do. I love that you are thin and that you are ergonomically proficient. Go to the head of your class. I hope to have more of you, I look forward to it 🙂 thank you thank you thank you

futur101 says:

Love it!, and Love you, Cindy

Kathleen Lynch says:

wow what a workout. Thanks for the challenge.

Annette Culbertson says:

Great, thank you. Good pacing and leading.

SM says:

Enjoyed the zumba session with cardio workout benefits

Beth Minnio says:

Cindy, you are THE BEST! LOVE you, your music choices- my favorite right now is your "Around the World" dance video: I happily dance through it without even realizing the time flying by. Thanks so much.

SM says:

I love your energy and vivacious attitude… Thank you for sharing your workout tips

Janet Howard says:

Great workout! Thank you!

Helena Dw says:

Love this😁😄

Deb Malone says:

Awesome and fun workout! Thank you Cindy!!

Barb Hess says:

Thanks Cindy! Loved it!!

Donna Bowman says:

another good one !!! Awesome !! Thanks Cindy !

Mirna Fuentes says:

Fabulous, would love to see a slower pace for my grandma in her 80s

Claire Martin says:

Merci! Bravo! Nice Zumba Gold class✨


Thanks Cindy❤️Always here

Duncan Bob says:

My Mrs can't do anything strenuous with her arms because she's had two shoulder ops. Looks fun though.

Lorraine Williams says:

Ms. Cindy, you are on fit chick! Great workout.

Marcie says:

Thanks so much Cindy!

Martha Sanchez says:

Love your fabulous workouts today was super!

Esther Csillag says:

Loved the class. I so enjoyed the new moves and the extended time. Thank you!

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