LIVE! Chair Yoga Dance Recital – 10 Dances with Lyrics led by Sherry Zak Morris

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Join us in our first Annual Chair Yoga Dance Recital at the Vista, California Public Library. We shared 10 dances. And because you asked for it…. I added lyrics to all the Chair Yoga Dances so that you can sing while you are dancing and having a great time exercising! Let’s Keep Moving!

**View over 100 of All Dancing Classes AD-FREE** with our Chair Yoga Dance Subscription:

**ORDER YOUR T-SHIRT! Like these Chair Yoga Dance T-shirts? Order yours today! You can save 50% on the Annual Chair Yoga Dance Video Subscription with your T-shirt purchase.

** Want to become a Chair Yoga Dance Teacher and share the JOY! Click here for more details:

— Disclaimer —
I understand that my participation in this exercise program is voluntary and may increase my personal risk of injury and I will not hold Yoga Vista and/or the instructor(s) responsible. I personally assume any and all risks associated with my participation in exercise classes, offered via a virtual platform, by Yoga Vista. The information shared is not a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice and guidance of your healthcare provider.

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